Map of Europe
Map of Hungary
Map of Budapest

Hungary, facts and history in brief
Budapest, facts and history in brief
Hungary (Republic of Hungary)
Hungary is a Central European Republic bordered
by Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania,
Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.
Hungary was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, until
World War I.
It lost over 2/3 of its land and population after W.W.I
in the Allies dictated Trianon Peace Agreement. After
W.W.II, it was ruled by Communists.
Moscow met the 1956 popular uprising, announcing the
withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact with a massive military
intervention. During the Gorbachev years, Hungary led
the movement to dissolve the Warsaw Pact and steadily
shifted toward multiparty democracy and a market-oriented
For further information on Hungary, the Hungarian people
and their history
visit, Hungary, facts & history
in brief or
at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

My tribute to
József Cardinal Mindszenty

Saint Stephen (Szent István)
of Hungary

Saint Stephen of Hungary
Apostolic Cross
Coronation Jewels
Saint Stephen Bazilika
Holy Crown 1
Crown 2
Saint Stephen
Sovereigns of Hungary
v v v
St Therese of Lisieux

St Therese of Lisieux
v v v
The 1956 Hungarian Revolution.

The 1956 Hungarian Revolution. (My Story)
A brief introduction and links to other articles and works.
Index - (Table of Contents)
Author's notes
Chapter 1 - 1956
Chapter 2 - The Revolution
Chapter 3 - We are free!
Chapter 4 - The Soviets return with a vengeance
Chapter 5 - Escape to freedom
Chapter 6 - On the way to New Zealand
Chapter 7 - New Zealand
Appendix 1 - Some statistics of the Revolution
Appendix 2 - Some statistics of the Emigration
Links - Recommended reading
v v v
1956 - 2006 - The 50th Anniversary Celebrations
2006 October 22
- 2006 October 22
Corvin Lane
Corvin Alley Displays
ELTE Remembrance
ELTE - 1956 szobrok - ELTE Memorial Statues
March to Bem Statue
2006 October 23
- 2006 October 23
Andrássy Road Displays
Astoria Hotel Remembrance
Displays at ELTE
Kossuth Square
Hungarian Radio
Police - everywhere
2006 October 24
- 2006 October 24
Streets of Budapest next morning
Republic Square
Freedom Square
Filming another blockbuster
Controversial Soviet Monument
Hungarian T.V.H.Q.
U.S.A Embassy
Széna Square
Széna Square Memorials
Terror House
2006 November 4 -
2006 November 4
Heros' Square
FIDESZ March with torches
'56os Museum -
1956 Memorial Museum
1956 Memorial Chapel
Gergely Pongrátz
Budapest Kid
Corvin Lane
Paul Maléter
Nagy Imre - Imre Nagy
Torn from the Flag
Our trip to Kiskunmajsa
2006 Felsõpetény -
Our pilgrimage to our beloved
József Prince-Primate
Cardinal Mindszenty' s
former prison
Battle of Pákozd
Battle of Pákozd Memorials
Battle of Pákozd Museum
Don Bend Memorial Chapel
The bell dedicated to the memory of
Vitéz Admiral
nagybányai Horthy Miklós
The 'Kopjafa' dedicated to the
memory of Vitéz nagybányai
Horthy István

Budapest Accommodation

Budapest Children�s Railway (Gyermekvasút) 2009

My photo pages of Hungary
¤ marks places that either my
family or I have some association
with or a story to tell.
You can click on these photos for
an enlargement.
Hungary Buses

Sites about Budapest
Sorry, I did ran a couple of links to Budapest sites, but
they no longer exist.
I have tried to contact their Webmasters without getting
any response.
I will endeavour to make my own pages on the previous
subjects, starting on them immediately.

Sites about Hungary in general
The Hungarian Home Page
Well apart from the above link, the other previous 15 links
were also dead.
After a fruitless & lengthy wait for their Webmasters reply
to my inquiries, I have deleted their links and endeavouring
to make my own pages on the previous subjects, starting on
them immediately.
Most of those links were to pages that were in English, but many
of them had Hungarian options and a few of them were
in Hungarian only.

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Photos Index
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