Map of Europe
Map of Hungary
Map of Budapest

Hungary, facts and history in brief
Budapest, facts and history in brief
Apostolic Cross
Coronation Jewels
St Stephen Bazilika
Holy Crown 1
Holy Crown 2
Saint Stephen
Sovereigns of Hungary

The Apostolic Cross of Hungary
King Stephen (Saint Stephen of Hungary)
received the Holy Crown of Hungary and the
Apostolic Cross from Pope Sylvester II for "the royal
dignity and the power, demonstrating his
determination to honour of God, the exaltation
of His Church and to Christianise the people of
Hungary and establish episcopal sees for
promoting the glory of God
and the good of his people".
The history and the tradition of the double
cross goes back to the early
Egyptian Pharaohs.
Throughout the ages it always signified
power and authority.
The Holy Roman Catholic Church used it
from near the beginning.
There is no doubt about the origin,
the authenticity and the history
of the Hungarian Apostolic Cross.
One of the enamel plates on the Holy Crown
is depicting Géza I (1074-1077)
holding the Apostolic Cross.
The Royal Stamp of Béla IV (1235-1270) has
the Apostolic Cross on its reverse.
The Illuminated Kodex from the 1300 shows
the Apostolic Cross on top
of the three hillocks in the Hungarian Crest,
much like the present day crest.
King Matthew I Corvinus (I Mátyás, 1458-1490)
had the cross in his crest.
The modern days Hungarian crest has the
double cross in it, so has many
statues, plagues in Budapest and around
the country, including the lost territories.

Very good examples of this are the
Saint Stephen Statue and the
Angel Gabriel at the Heroes Square,
near Downtown Budapest.
Over the years many Hungarian stamps
depicted it in one form or other.
During Hungary's tumultuous history the
Apostolic Cross disappeared.
The date and circumstances are debatable.
These days the Holy Crown and other Hungarian
Royal treasures are at
the Hungarian Parliament, but not the Cross.
The Royal Orb, one of the Ancient Royal
treasure do have the double
cross on it, most likely representing
the Apostolic Cross.
Apostolic Cross
Coronation Jewels
St Stephen Bazilika
Holy Crown 1
Holy Crown 2
Saint Stephen 1
Sovereigns of Hungary
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