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Budapest, Hungary

Budafók is now part of Budapest, part of the 22nd district.

My family lived here for a few months before the fall of Budapest during 1944.

Budafók was an outer suburb of Budapest than.

I have many vivid memories of our time here, although I was only 6-7 years old at the time.

I remember how scarred everybody, including myself, the first time the Americans and the British bombed the 'innocent civil population' of Budapest.

After a few days we all got very blase about it, including me.

Our building was on a rise, high above the Danube and the lower parts of Budafók and I remember, how I used to spend hours watching the planes bombing 'Csepel' Island, where most of Budapest's and Hungary's oil storages and industry was concentrated.

The occasional hit made a spectacular show of explosion and fireworks.

At night the show was even more amazing as all explosions and anti aircraft fire tracers could be seen in all it's 'glory' or horror as it was destroying some thing, someone's job opportunity or lives.

Later the Russians came to raid Budapest.

Their tactics were quite different.

They usually came at night, using "Stalin candles" to light up the city beneath them for better aim.

Awesome sight!

They also used to drop aluminium foil strips to confuse the searchlights and radar installments.

Our house was in the middle of a large orchard, and I and my play mates found many things in our fields after the raids.

I found many little propellers with intricate ball races, that made a very funny noise when I spinned them around.

I never seen such things since, I think they were the tail ends of bombs and helped in their aim to fall on their target more precisely.

Some days our orchard was covered with that aluminium foil after a busy day or night bombing the factories and tanks below us only about 2-3 km as the craws fly.

Our house and the orchard was still there when Sarolta and I visited Budafók in 1978.

Hui Chin and I couldn't even find a trace of it in 2002.

The whole place got developed beyond recognition.


You can click on these photos for an enlargement.

Budafók ">Our house Budafók
Budafók ">Budafók Budafók
Budafók Budafók Budafók


Budafók Budafók Budafók
Budafók Budafók Budafók

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