Map of Europe
Map of Hungary
Map of Budapest

Hungary, facts and history in brief
Budapest, facts and history in brief
Felsõpetény is a progressive little
village about 45 km northwest from Budapest in the Nográd
county, nestled amongst the Börzsöny mountains.
The population of about one thousand comprises Slovaks
and Hungarians, Catholics and Lutherans.
The Felsõpetény's Slovak name Horny Petan.
First written records mentioning Felsõpetény
go back to 1268. Many of the local population either
working on the surrounding farms, vineyards, or the
nearby refractory clay mines (underground and open pit).
A narrow gauge railway line, mainly running beside the
road and about 5 km long, take the clay from Felsõpetény
to Bánk where they transfer it to the MÁV main
line trains to be taken to the Romhány 'glazed
tile' factory.
Felsõpetény was showing rapid expansion
in the last twenty-thirty years.
Many new houses and church has been built during this
On the outskirts of Felsõpetény is the
Almássy Manor-house with a large garden (Protected),
beside the Lókos stream.
The Manor-house, a foster home at present, but became
infamous when the communist regime of Hungary, put József
Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary under house arrest here
from the 2nd of November 1954, until 30th October 1956,
the fourth day of the Hungarian Revolution, when he
was released by the local soldiers and residents and
rushed to Budapest.
During this time the Cardinal was freed from prison,
but was under house arrest and closely guarded.
The heavily armed guards and Russian tanks around were
explained to the residents, as the building being used
for Atomic research, although some knew better.
The local residents were demonstrating for his release
soon after the Revolution broke out, front of the Manor-house.
Today there is a plaque on the front of the building
commemorating the Cardinal's imprisonment.
There is a Remembrance held outside every anniversary
Postal code: 2611
Calling code: 35

For years Hui Chin and I wanted to visit Felsõpetény,
where my greatly admired and revered
József Prince-Primate Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary was
interned under the communist regime until the
1956 Hungarian Revolution.
We took the train from Budapest
to Vác, where we had
to wait and change to another train to
Rétság where we had to change trains
again to Bánk.
From Bánk we had a 6 km walk to
Felsõpetény, until a kind young lady
came along and given us a lift in her car to our destination.
We do not know her name,
Thank you very much nice lady,
if you happen to read this.
God bless you and your family.
Unfortunately I do not have many of my photos left,
although we had four cameras between us and we taken
many, many photos wherever we went, two of my cameras,
with large, 512 MB SD Cards and many thousands of photos
on them with my valet and money, were stolen from my
bag, later into our trip, by some 'lowlife'.
In 2006, due to my brother's kindness to drive us
to Felsõpetény, Hui Chin and I paid
another pilgrimage to our beloved
József Prince-Primate
Cardinal Mindszenty's former prison.

You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
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