Map of Europe
Map of Hungary
Map of Budapest

Hungary, facts and history in brief
Budapest, facts and history in brief
Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Budapest Metro (Hungarian: Budapesti metró)
is the metro system in the Hungarian capital Budapest.
It consists of three lines, each marked with a number
and a separate colour.
Metro Line 4 is currently under construction and the
first section is to be put into operation in 2010.
Plans for Line 5 are also ready for implementation.
It is the second oldest underground metro system in
the world, and its iconic Line 1 (dating from 1896),
the first underground system in Europe,
is a World Heritage Site now.
Transit type: Electrified Metro Railway
Began operation: 1896, First underground system in Europe
System length: 31.7km
No. of lines: 3 (plus 1 under construction)
No. of stations: 40 (plus 12 under construction)
Daily ridership: 1.27 million (approximate)
Track gauge: 1,435 mm (4 ft 8˝ in)
Operator: BKV

Budapest Metro map
Millennium Underground old phase at Heroes' Square

"Stadiums" (Stadionok) station on the metro line 2

Kõbánya-Kispest terminal on the line 3 |

Lajos Kossuth Square on metro line 2
- A film titled Kontroll
was made in Budapest Metro in 2003.
It was screened in Cannes and in the U.S.
- The movie Underworld (2003) also has scenes shot
in the Budapest Metro.
- The original New York City Subway entrances were
modeled after the Budapest Metro entrances.
- There is a game about budapest metro created
from realistic level data.
This is downloadable from

For a more information about
Budapest Metro see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page was retrieved and condensed from
see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, December 2007.
All text is available under the terms of the
GNU Free Documentation License
Copyrights for details).
About Wikipedia

This information was correct in December 2007. E. & O.E.

The building of the new Metro 4 line seems to
be progressing well, across Budapest.
N.B. Some of these photos were taken at existing
Metro lines and stations.

You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
Budapest Metro |
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