"The Fall of Communism began on the streets of Budapest" - Boris Yeltsin

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The 1956 Hungarian Revolution

Hungarian Revolution (1956), a revolt in Hungary (23 October-4 November). It was provoked by the presence in the country of Soviet troops, the repressive nature of the government led by Ernõ Gerõ, and the general atmosphere of de-Stalinisation created in February at the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU. Initial demonstrations in Budapest led to the arrival of Soviet tanks in the city, which served only to exacerbate discontent, Hungarian soldiers joining the uprising. Soviet forces were then withdrawn. Imre Nagy became Prime Minister, appointed non-communists to his coalition, announced Hungary's withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact, and sought a neutral status for the country. This was unacceptable to the Soviet Union. Powerful, mainly Soviet but some Hungarian, forces attacked Budapest. Resistance in the capital was soon overcome. Nagy was replaced by János Kádár, while 190,000 Hungarians fled into exile. The Soviet Union reneged on its pledge of safe conduct, handing Nagy and other prominent figures over to the new Hungarian regime, which executed them in secret.

Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia 1997

1956 Hungarian Revolution


Erwin Bernhardt

It was my Revolution too.

I was one of the thousands of young Hungarian students (reluctant at first) who peacefully demonstrated at the beginning, than took up arms after being fired on, killed, maimed or escaped the following retaliation.

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