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Hungary, facts and history in brief
Budapest, facts and history in brief
Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Pusztaszabolcs is about 40 km southwest of Budapest
in East Transdanubia.
In 2004 and 2005 the (Great) village made unsuccessful
attempts to get city status.
The settlement, much like the surrounding area was the
Zichy family's manor holdings until the late 19th century.
For the first time in 1875 received the 'independent
village' title.
In 1875, still known as Szabolcspuszta got a railway
station on the Budapest - Sárbogárd line
and subsequently merging with many small, neighbouring
settlements enjoyed rapid development.
In 1889 became a (Great) village mainly due to the number
of its population, without having many of the infrastructure
normally such places posses.
In the late 19th century many new railway lines were
built throughout Hungary and around the area and Szabolcspuszta
became an important centre for many of these lines,
like Budapest - Pécs, the Pusztaszabolcs - Dunaújváros
- Paks, the Pusztaszabolcs - Székesfehérvár, also to
Budapest, Sárbogárd, Kaposvár and Baja.
In 1896 the farm holdings in the area changed
hands and also the railways opened a couple of new lines
from Szabolcspuszta - Paks and the Szabolcspuszta -
Börgöndpuszta - Székesfehérvár branch lines,serving
most of the Transdanubia.
In 1924, the neighbouring 3 large farm holdings and
the railway settlement united under one administration
and begun the infrastructure development, the name was
changed to Pusztaszabolcs and very rapid development begun.
Since the development of the heavy industries at Dunaújváros,
many services and related industries developed at Pusztaszabolcs.
At present Pusztaszabolcs still enjoys large scale expansion
and many shops, warehouses, small and larger industries
serving the neighbouring rich farming communities.
Pusztaszabolcs: Adony District, Fejér County,
Mid Transdanubia Region.
Population: 6327 (2001)
Postal code: 2490
Dialling code: 25

Retrieved and condensed from
"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pusztaszabolcs" July 2005
All text is available under the terms of the
GNU Free Documentation License (see
Copyrights for details).

Hui Chin and I enjoyed our time at Pusztaszabolcs,
nice and friendly.
O o
Unfortunately I do not have many of my photos left,
although we had four cameras between us and we taken
many, many photos wherever we went, two of my cameras,
with large, 512 MB SD Cards and many thousands of photos
on them with my valet and money, were stolen from my
bag, later into our trip, by some 'lowlife'.

You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
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