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Máriabesnyõ was an already an inhabited area at the time of the conquest (Honfoglalás).
Rapid expansion of the settlement took place at the beginning of the 12th century.
Máriabesnyõ was largely devastated in 1241 by the invading Mongols of Hungary.
The village was rebuilt in a new place, around the church hill.
During the Turkish occupation became an uninhabited desert belonging to Gödöllõ.
In 1737 Antal Grassalkovich I purchased the neighbouring estates.
Terézia Klobusiczky, the third wife of Antal Grassalkovich I built the Loreto chapel in the place of the ruins of the church.
During building the foundations for the chapel an ivory carving from the l2th - l3th C of the Virgin Mary and child Jesus in her arms was found.
The find was verified by the bishop of Vác and Grassalkovich I had the statuette decorated with diamonds and kept it in a jewel-case of silver and crystal glass and kept it in the palace chapel.
The chapel was consecrated on 15 of August 1761 and a replica of the Loreto statue of Mary carved of cedar wood was placed in it.
In 1763, the Capuchin monks moved in the new cloisters.

The discovered statue of the Holy Virgin attracted thousands of pilgrims to this place.
Antal Grassalkovich I extended the chapel, an upper church housing the Loreto chapel and a lower church was added and was consecrated on the 17 March 1771.
Antal Grassalkovich I settled people in the area which was an deserted area when the church was built.

Máriabesnyõ soon became the most popular pilgrimages in Hungary.
The Capuchins and the Salvator Sisters had to leave Máriabesnyő in 1950 when the communist closed down all monastic orders.
The monasteries became the properties of the state.
Most of the building became the University of Agricultural Sciences.
The "'Török Ignác" Grammar School was housed in the convent.
Kindergarten teachers also had a school here from 1975.
The buildings were returned to church ownership in August 1989.
Restoration of both the church and the monasteries started in 1988 and was finished in 1993.
Salvator Sisters convent moved back using part of the building while the larger part of the building is used as a retreat house.
The main pilgrimages in Máriabesnyő are on 15th August and 8th September.

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Máriabesnyõ & surrounds

Endre and Éva (My brother and his charming wife) taken us to Máriabesnyõ for a day "out".

Very solemn and interesting place.


You can click on these photos for an enlargement.

Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ
Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ
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Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ
Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ Máriabesnyõ


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