Hungary, facts and history in brief Budapest, facts and history in brief SzombathelyHungarySzombathely is a major Hungarian city near the Austrian border. This is the city where the Soviets brought me with hundreds of other Hungarians intending to escape, after they shot and captured me during my first and second attempt to flee to Austria after the BRUTAL crushing of our 1956 Revolution!!! I am very grateful to God that neither of my wounds were very serious. After I was patched up came a long interrogation during the night. All of us (there were hundreds of us) had to sleep on the floor until the next morning, when they bundled us onto trains back to Budapest. After a few stations, and after ascertaining that we were not being watched, some of us jumped off the train to catch the next train back towards the border. I had to repeat this procedure twice. The second time my friend and I got caught again, the questioning was even more thorough and longer, with badly masked threats of consequences if we get caught again.
I have been back to Szombathely with
my family three times since
those days and although I asked
many people, not one was
interested or able to tell me where
the old ÁVÓ's barracks are or were. (To better understand the story, see my pages on Répcevis, & Zsira also my story of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, Chapter 5, Escape to Freedom, for my attempts to escape to Austria and freedom.) 1998
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