Hui Chin my wife,
son, Endre and I had some very interesting
and memorable trips due to the generousity
of our families, who live in Singapore
and Hungary and willing to help
us with our travel arrangements
in return for visiting or meeting
them at home or some of those interesting
On this pages I would like to share
some of my photographs with you.
As time permits I will put some information
and also some of our memorable
experiences of this interesting places.
Most of my pages will record the year
the photos were taken to avoid confusion,
as everything changes very rapidly this days.
Without getting involved in politics,
I do have to mention, that since
visiting and writing this pages
many things have changed.
Many of
the places we've visited, can't
or not advisable to visit these days.
The last few years I've used a digital
camera and the photos are easy
to use on the computer and their quality
is also much better than my older
photos, which have to be scanned from
photographs, that were printed on
'stipple' photographic paper, that
I preferred at that time.
I have many thousands of photos,
and it is difficult to decide which
one to show on this pages.
If you like to see some other or a
specific photo, please
let me know and I will show you, if I have it.
Enjoy yourself.
N.B. Many places listed here can be
spelled different ways, I endevoured
to use the most common or accepted one.

List of pages in my Asia series (Russia is included
here as well in Europe Index).
Some countries and cities are listed
under their alternative names as
well, for the convenience of people
looking for that particular title.
Site Index
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Photos Index
Thanks for coming, I hope you
have enjoyed it, will recommend
it to your friends, and will come
back later to see my site developing
and expanding.
I'm trying to make my pages
enjoyable and trouble free for everyone,
please let me know of any mistakes
or trouble with links, so I can
fix any problem as soon as possible.
These pages are best viewed with
monitor resolution set at
800x600 and kept simple on purpose so
everyone can enjoy them across all media and
Thank you.