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Jesus Sutras
Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Jesus Sutras, or the Lost Sutras of Jesus are
early Chinese language manuscripts of Christian teachings
brought to China during the 7th century by Alopen, a
Persian bishop of the Assyrian Church of the East.
The sutras date from between 635 AD, the year of Christianity's
introduction to China; and 1005, when the Mogao Cave, near
Dunhuang, in which they were found was sealed.
Four of the sutras are said to be located in private
collections in Japan, while one is in Paris.
Their language and content reflect varying levels of
adaptation to Chinese culture, including
Buddhist and Taoist influences.
The following list uses the numbering and nomenclature
of Martin Palmer, an English scholar, author,
and translator of Chinese religious texts.
The first title is more poetic, while the title in
parentheses represents the original Chinese more strictly.
Doctrinal sutras
Sutra of the Teachings of the World-Honored One (Lokajvesta
Teaching on Charity, Part Three).
Translated 641 AD. Based on Tatian's Teachings of the Apostles
or Diatessaron, a second-century gospel
harmony written in Syriac.
Sutra of Cause, Effect, and Salvation (First Treatise on
the Oneness of Heaven).
Palmer sees a similarity with the Buddhist Milinda
Panha, the Questions of King Milinda.
Sutra of the Teachings of the World-Honored One
(Sutra of the Origins, Second Part of the Teaching)
Sutra of Jesus Christ. Translated around 645.
Refers to karma and reincarnation.
Palmer conjectures influence from Tibet,
Hinduism, and/or Jainism.
Liturgical sutras
Da Qin Liturgy of Taking Refuge in the Three.
Translated 720 AD.
Let Us Praise (Invocation of the Dharma
Kings and Sacred Sutras).
The Sutra of Returning to Your Original Nature.
Translated c. 780-790.
The Xi'an Stele
The Xi'an Stele was composed in 781 in honor of a
construction project at the Da Qin Pagoda,
which is now understood to have been a Christian
monastery at the time ("Da Qin" is the Chinese
term for the Roman Empire).
The Da Qin Pagoda is located near Lou Guan Tai,
the traditional site of Lao Tze's composition
of the Tao Te Ching.
The stele was unearthed in 1625 and is now
on display in the nearest major city, Xi'an.
Sutra (literally "binding thread") is a
Sanskrit term referring to an aphorism
or group of aphorisms.
It was originally applied to Hindu philosophy,
and later to Buddhist canon scripture.
In the case of the Jesus Sutras, the
term applies indirectly.
In Chinese, all religious and classical books
are referred to as jing, including indigenous
Chinese works, Buddhist scriptures, and other
foreign works such as the Bible and the Koran.
In the context of Buddhist scriptures, jing
is conventionally translated as "sutra".
The Jesus Sutras do not carry canon status
but they do comingle Christian philosophy
with Buddhist and Taoist thought.

For a more information about
Jesus Sutras see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page was retrieved and condensed from
see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, November 2007.
All text is available under the terms of the
GNU Free Documentation License
Copyrights for details).
About Wikipedia

This information was correct in November 2007. E. & O.E.

Hui Chin and I joined a conducted bus tour
from Urumchi to visit Turpan.
It was a very interesting trip and full of drama, as
there was many interesting places to visit and there
was also a number of arguments
on the bus about the tickets and
sights to be visited, the sitting arrangements on the
bus and also about the food and the quality and hygene
standard of the restaurants we have visited.
To cap it all of, my camera's battery ran flat, half
way through, our spare battery and another camera sitting
safely back at the hotel in Urumchi (laughing at our
misfortune), but a few weeks later I had even worst news,
when, after returning home, I found out that two of my
new 2Gigabyte SD memory cards, although seemed to work
perfectly at the time, have invisible pictures on them.
The pictures seem to exist alright,
with all around the 200 plus kilobyte
properties and showing as jpeg pictures, but can't be viewed.
I have lost some very interesting, unusual and irreplacable
pictures of Turpan, Urumchi, Bishkek in Kyrgizstan and pictures
of the countrysides of Kyrgizstan and Kazakstan.
Now altough we were there and had our visual and phisical
experiences, I have to take advantage of using Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia's
resources with our greatful thanks. Author.
I would like to mention a few things, that was mentioned to us
during our visit to Turpan, but I do not find any mention on
the pages and articles I read before
putting this page together.
Turpan is sited in a basin (Turfan Depression),
at the second deepest hole after the Dead Sea - under
sea level.
(328ft. below sea level).
Turpan is one of the hottest place on earth, due to its
desert location and relative altitude.
Turpan also one of the driest place on earth again due
to it's location and altitude. (This last two points
make it ideal place to grow grapes and other fruit with
the Karez (water) System's help.
Some of Turpan's listed attractions may be 40+ kilometres
away, normally they still will be listed
as Turpan's attraction.
On the way to Turpan from Urumchi our bus stopped at a
fortress, as I lost the many photos I have taken of this
place - as I have explained above, now I can't find any
reference or mention of the place - can somebody help me, please?

Mogao Caves or Grottos

Jesus Sutras