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Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves, also known as
Dunhuang or Gaochang Mogao Caves
Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves are complex
of Buddhist cave grottos dating from the 5th to the
9th centuries between the cities of Turpan and
Shanshan (Loulan) at the north-east of the
Taklamakan Desert near the ancient ruins of
Gaochang in the Mutou Valley, a gorge
in the Flaming Mountains, China.
They are high on the cliffs of the west
Mutou Valley under the Flaming Mountains.
There are 77 rock-cut caves at the site.
Most have rectangular spaces with rounded arch
ceilings often divided into four sections,
each with a mural of Buddha.
The effect is of entire ceiling covers
with hundreds of Buddha murals.
Some ceilings are painted with a large Buddha
surrounded by other figures, including
Indians, Persians and Caucasians.
The quality of the murals vary with some
being artistically naive while others
are masterpieces of religious art.
For centuries Buddhist monks at Dunhuang
collected scriptures from the west, and
many pilgrims passed through the area,
painting murals inside the Mogao Caves
or "Caves of a Thousand Buddhas."
A small number of Christian artifacts have
also been found in the caves (see Jesus Sutras),
testimony to the wide variety of people who
made their way along the silk road.
Today, the site is an important tourist
attraction and the subject of an
ongoing archaeological project.
A large number of manuscripts and
artifacts retrieved at Dunhuang have
been digitized and made publicly available
via the International Dunhuang Project.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia page
refers to the same caves. Author

Hui Chin and I joined a conducted bus tour
from Urumchi to visit Turpan.
It was a very interesting trip and full of drama, as
there was many interesting places to visit and there
was also a number of arguments
on the bus about the tickets and
sights to be visited, the sitting arrangements on the
bus and also about the food and the quality and hygene
standard of the restaurants we have visited.
To cap it all of, my camera's battery ran flat, half
way through, our spare battery and another camera sitting
safely back at the hotel in Urumchi (laughing at our
misfortune), but a few weeks later I had even worst news,
when, after returning home, I found out that two of my
new 2Gigabyte SD memory cards, although seemed to work
perfectly at the time, have invisible pictures on them.
The pictures seem to exist alright,
with all around the 200 plus kilobyte
properties and showing as jpeg pictures, but can't be viewed.
I have lost some very interesting, unusual and irreplacable
pictures of Turpan, Urumchi, Bishkek in Kyrgizstan and pictures
of the countrysides of Kyrgizstan and Kazakstan.
Now altough we were there and had our visual and phisical
experiences, I have to take advantage of using
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's
resources with our greatful thanks. Author.

For a more information about
Bezeklik see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page was retrieved and condensed from
see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, November 2007.
All text is available under the terms of the
GNU Free Documentation License
Copyrights for details).
About Wikipedia

This information was correct in November 2007. E. & O.E.