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Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yan'an (Pinyin: Yán'an; Wade-Giles: Yen-an),
is a city in the Shanbei region
of Shaanxi province in China.
Yan'an is currently a Prefecture-level city
administering several counties, including Zhidan,
formerly Bao'an, which served as the Chinese
communist capital before the city
of Yan'an proper took that role.
In medieval China, Yan'an was once called
Yanzhou, a location of strategic military
importance for the Chinese empire and Tanguts
of the Western Xia Dynasty.
It was once successfully defended by the Song
Dynasty (960-1279) era Chinese scientist,
statesman, and general Shen Kuo (1031-1095 AD).
However, it was eventually taken over by the Tanguts
in 1082 once Shen's defensive victories were marginalized
and sacrificed by the new Chancellor Cai Que (who handed
the city over to the Tanguts as terms of a peace treaty).
Yan'an and the whole of Shaanxi was taken over by the
Mongols in the late 1220s, only after their leader Genghis
Khan had died during the siege of the
Western Xia capital in 1227.
The city was maintained by the successive Chinese
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), as well as the
Manchu Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).
After the fall of the Qing Dynasty
the city fell into the hands of the
newly-created Republic of China.
During the Second World War, Yan'an played
host to the United States Army Observation
Group, also known as the Dixie Mission.
A joint military and civilian mission, it was
sent to establish official ties with the
Communists and explore possible plans of
cooperation against the Japanese.
The Americans had a presence
in Yan'an from 1944 to 1947.

For a more information about
Yanan see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page was retrieved and condensed from
see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, November 2007.
All text is available under the terms of the
GNU Free Documentation License
Copyrights for details).
About Wikipedia

This information was correct in November 2007. E. & O.E.

Hui Chin and I caught a bus from Xi'an to Yanan, a four
hours, quite enjoyable trip as we seen rural north China
on our way getting there.
We were very anxious to see the cave dwellers of northern
China and we were told the place is another 60 kilometres
from Yanan.
Of course we were very suprised to see many cave dwellings
on our way to Yan'an.
In Yan'n we were in for another great surprise as the hills
all around Yanan are full of cave dwellings.
We walked up to some of the cave dwllings and were
fortunate enough to be invited into one of the dwellings
and the very nice people was happy to tell us the long
history of the extended family and we were even been
invited for lunch.
Mum and Dad spent most of their life in the caves, which is
nice and warm in winter and cool in summer.
They had most of the modern comforts, like electricity,
TV, refrigirator, computers etc.
They have to bring the water up from the city and
the drainage system isn't the most modern either,
mostly left to gravity.
Mum and Dad are very happy to spend the rest of their life
in their present abode, but most of the young ones
left the caves for a more urbane city dwellings.
The few days we spent in Yan'an was filled with drama
enjoyable interaction with the local people.
We've enjoyed Yan'an city.

Yan'an 2007
You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
Yan'an |
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