Xi'an - China
Cardinal József Mindszenty
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Silk Factory - Xi'an
Hui Chin and I spent a few very memorable days in Xi'an.
We've visited most of the attractionsin and around Xi'an,
some of them by conducted tours some of them individually.
Terracotta Army Museum complex and Imperial City or Huaqing
Palace or Daming Palace or the Huaqing Hot Springs and a
few other places we visited with guided tours and while it is
a reasonable value for money spent a lot of our time was
wasted visiting commercial places like the Terracotta
Factory, where we expected to spend some money, so the
tour organisers or the bus driver or guide will get
some kind of "kick-back", commission or something.
During our trips we encountered very many such tours and
visiting these commercial places like jewelery factories
etc., but only one person, a very likeable Tuk-Tuk driver
in Bangkok asked us if we mind to stop at a such of
place, where he gets some petrol coupons for his Tuk-Tuk,
regardless whether we buy anything or not and we can have a
bit of a rest in a air-conditioned place and some free
These things are usually available at most places and
there are no real pressure on us to purchase anything.
I 'mean - real pressure', because you will be 'talked to'
and 'shown' some merchandise and 'tempted' by huge
price 'reductions' 'just for you', but no real pressure
is used on you to succumb.
This places usually have some educational value as well, as
someone usually dwells into some explanations about
the manufacture of some item and some other things too.
Like the different kind of jades etc. for example.
This Silk factory was sone such place on this
tour and shown us how the silk worms were
farmed, their silk harvested, graded and spun etc.
This place was also selling a very large variety of
Chinese furniture, hand vowen rugs, paitings and
many other things, such as souveniers.

You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
Silk Factory - Xi'an |
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