On these pages I will deal with two of my hobbies and passions.
I like to travel and I like to take pictures and visiting all
those places, I see many visiting people doing just the same
things, travelling, visiting and taking photographs or movies.
I already have a travel page, listing most of the places my family
and I have visited, but on these following pages I will
try to list them in a more chronological order.
I have many photographs and I have visited many, many other
places that I can't at this stage anyway, categorise.
Come, enjoy our journeys.
In 2006 we were again very blessed by Our Almighty God, that we
could have a couple of very nice and enjoyable trips.
During June we taken a few days 'holiday' in
and most importantly the events of the 50th Anniversary
Remembrance of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution/Freedom
Fight and the well documented atrocities committed by the
authorities during these solemn occasions.
1956 Freedom Fight's 50th Anniversary Celebrations - Index
Here are some of the facts, courtesy YouTube, many thanks
New Budapest Demonstration -
October 23 Police Brutality 2
Thanks for coming, I hope you
have enjoyed it, will recommend
it to your friends,
and will come
back later to see my site developing
and expanding.
I'm trying to make my pages
enjoyable and trouble free for everyone,
let me know of any mistakes
or trouble with links, so I can
fix any problem
as soon as possible.
These pages are best viewed with monitor
resolution set at 640x480 and kept simple
on purpose so everyone can enjoy them
across all media and platforms.