ToulouseFrance Toulouse (pronounced /tuluz/ in standard French (Occitan: Tolosa, pronounced /tu'luz) is a city in southwest France on the banks of the Garonne River, half-way between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. With close to 1.1 million inhabitants in 2005, the Toulouse metropolitan area is the second largest in southern France and one of the fastest growing in Europe. It is the home base of the European aerospace industry, such as Alcatel Espace and EADS Space, and hosts the headquarters of Airbus S.A.S. Toulouse was the capital of the former province of Languedoc (provinces were abolished during the French Revolution). It is the capital of the Midi-Pyrénées région, the largest région in France although it encompasses only half of the former Languedoc province. It is also the préfecture (capital) of the Haute-Garonne département. It is the seat of the Académie des Jeux Floraux, the equivalent of the French Academy for the Occitan-speaking regions of southern France, making Toulouse the unofficial capital of Occitan culture. The traditional Occitan cross was adopted as the symbol of both the City of Toulouse and the newly-founded Midi-Pyrénées région. Facts in brief City population: 390,350 (1999 census) City area: 118.3 km² Metropolitan Population: 964,797 1999 census Metropolitan area: 4,015.2 km² Once a major metropolis of western Europe, Toulouse sank into a sleepy regional-level status in the 18th and 19th centuries, completely missing the Industrial Revolution. In the 20th century, relocation of key military and aerospace industries in Toulouse by the French central government have awakened the city again. External links
For a more information about Toulouse see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This page was retrieved and condensed from ( December 2005 All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see Copyrights for details). About Wikipedia Disclaimers This information was correct in December 2005. E. & O.E.
In 1978 Sarolta and I toured the British Isles and the Irish Republic first, before we crossed the Channel to the continental Europe. There was some kind of strike on at the time and we had to cross from Folkestone to Boulogne. We explored Boulogne before headed to Paris and further. We spent some time to get to know Toulouse the city it's friendly people. Very nice place. Hui Chin and I visited Toulouse during 2004 and I could never find any trace of the many photos I have taken. Sorry! Hui Chin and I visited Toulouse in 2006 again and this time I don't have to apologise, some of my photos are below.
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