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Desert Road to Tombouctou photos 2004

Mali facts & history in brief

The road from Mopti to Tombouctou is about 350 kilometres, and after about 80 kilometres at Douentza leaves the sealed road and heads through the desert to Tombouctou.
We were told that if we leave Mopti between 7 and 8 am. we should arrive to Tombouctou by mid-day or 45 minutes later, if we had to wait for the ferry. Well, we had to wait for the ferry, also our four wheel drive's air-conditioner broke down and the last 50 kilometres took us about three hours.
We did not have anything to eat until 3.30 pm.
On the way back our vehicle broke down and we had to flag a ute down for a 60 km lift to Mopti. (More about that on other pages.)

List of photo pages in my Mali series.

Bamako       Hotel La Chaumiere       Mali Art       Mali Desert       People of Mali       Mali Trains

Mopti      Segou      Timbuctu   or    Tombouctou

Some of my photos taken on the desert road to Tombouctou (Click for an enlargement)

picnic time The desert The desert sun a desert man
The desert Tents in the desert Custom's post Monkies in the desert
The desert Goats of the desert Herds of the desert Huts in the desert 1
The desert Using the desert shade 1 Using the desert shade 2 Huts in the desert 2
Huts in the desert 3 Using the desert shade 3 Before the breakdown After the breakdown
The ute and co. One of the regular checks Moving into the ute Desert entertainment

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