Map of Europe
Map of Hungary
Map of Budapest

Hungary, facts in brief
Hungary, history in brief
Budapest, facts and history in brief
Hungarian Americans
Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of notable Hungarian Americans, including both original immigrants who obtained American citizenship and their American descendants. Many Hungarians went to the United States after the Soviet invasion in 1956 during Operation Safe Haven.
See also
[1] [2]
"Prior to Vilma Bánky's birth, her father, a highly
esteemed bureau chief for the Franz Josef Austro-Hungarian Empire, had moved
the family to the small town of Nagydorog, a suburb of Budapest, in Hungary.
Vilma Konsics Bánky was born there on January 9, 1902..."
her mother is a Hungarian immigrant.[3]
"She is half Hungarian on her mother's side" [4]
"Drews Mother - Jaid Barrymore (nee Ildiko Jaid Mako)
[was] Born on 8 May 1946 in Brannenburg, West Germany in a camp for displaced
persons. Jaids parents (Drew's grandparents) were Hungarians."
[6] [7] "Born Bernard Schwartz in 1925, Curtis grew up in
New York's matinee movie-palaces..."
- ^
"Bill Dana who created the funny talking Hispanic character was actually a
Hungarian born 1924 in Quincy, Massachusetts."
- ^
Rodney Dangerfield: A Lifetime of No Respect but Plenty of Sex
and Drugs by Rodney Dangerfield "The whole family had come to America
from Hungary when my mother was four.
My mother's father--my grandfather--was
almost never referred to in that house. Rumor has it he's still in
Hungary--and still drinking."
- ^
[9] [10]
"Éva Gábor was born in Budapest, Hungary on February 11, 1926..."
"Zsa Zsa Gábor born, Budapest Hungary. Though some sources say 1918, 1919, or 1920. 1936
Elected Miss Hungary."
[12] "Hungarian-born motion picture actor..."
Antal - [13] "A Hungarian-American's splashy debut..."
[14] [15] "George Dewey Cukor was born in New York City on July 14, 1899,
to a Hungarian immigrant couple..."
- ^
[16] [17]
"Three-time Oscar nominee Frank Darabont was born in a refugee camp in France in 1959,
the son of Hungarian parents who had fled Budapest during the brutally suppressed
1956 Hungarian uprising."
[18] [19]
László Marton
- ^
dead link]
- ^
[21] [22] "Known for his best-selling military histories,
Ladislas Farago also wrote a witty tribute to his homeland,
Strictly from Hungary."
- ^
Sneddon, Steve (2005-02-08).
"NBA a realistic goal for Fazekas".
Reno Gazette-Journal. http://www.rgj.com/news/stories/html/2005/02/08/91769.php?sps=rgj.
com&sch=Sports&sp1=rgj&sp2=Sports&sp3=Sports&sp5=RGJ.com&sp6=news&sp7=sports. Retrieved 2007-06-29.
"Nick's grandfather, Albert
Fazekas, who lives in the Denver area, has that fire in his heart.
He was a freedom fighter in the
Hungarian Revolution in 1956."
- ^
[23] [24] "Born in Budapest, Hungary in January 1926 to parents
who were in show business in Europe, Miklos "Mickey" Hargitay came to the US
in the early 1950s."
- ^
[25] [26] "Howard's Hungarian-born mother
was the prime mover in getting an early diagnosis."
"The southpaw's nickname, The Mad Hungarian, came from his nationality,
Fu Manchu mustache and long hair, and angry stomping to the back of the
mound to psych himself up."
- ^
[28] [29] "He is of Hungarian descent; his father László fled
Hungary in the wake of the brutally suppressed 1956 Hungarian Revolution and emigrated to
the United States."
- ^
The Hungary Page - More Famous Hungarians
[30] [31]
"The son of a Hungarian immigrant, Namath left the steel country of Beaver Falls,
- ^
NEWS FROM VOJVODINA, SERBIA from the American Hungarian
Federation - Founded 1906
- ^
[32] [33] "He was born on January 4, 1930 in Grand River, Ohio,
the fourth of Hungarian immigrants Dan and Mary Shula's seven children."
[34] [35] "Victor Szebehely was one of a truly remarkable group of
immigrants who came to the United States from Hungary as a result of the
upheavals caused by the Second World War in Europe."
Winkler, Allan. Life Under a Cloud, Chicago: University of Illinois
Press, 1999, p.11
- ^
Winkler, Allan. Life Under a Cloud, Chicago: University of Illinois
Press, 1999, p.68
- ^
[36]"Von Neumann was a child prodigy, born into a banking family
is Budapest, Hungary".
- ^
[37] [38]
"Author and journalist Kati Marton was born in Hungary
and has spent two decades writing and reporting from the United States, Europe
and the Far East."
- ^
[39] [40]
"Joseph Pulitzer was born in Makó, Hungary."
^ Stefanova-Peteva, K. (1993) Who Calls the Shots on the New York Stages?, 26.
- ^ [41] "Hungarian-born photographer Sylvia Plachy captures..."
- ^
[42] Cetera has stated this in interviews and on his Web
site; however he's not revealed his mother's birth/maiden name.
- ^
- ^
[44] "A Hungarian-American conductor, Eugene Ormandy was born
on November 18, 1899, in Budapest, Hungary. He graduated from the Budapest
Royal Academy, where he studied violin with Jenö Hubay, an eminent Hungarian
- ^
[46] "Tommy Ramone was born Thomas Erdelyi In Budapest,
Hungary but grew up in Queens one of the boroughs of New York City."
- ^
The Miklós Rózsa Society Website
- ^
visa application cheap flight hungary at hungaryemb.org
- ^
[47] [48]
"His Hungarian father and Irish-Italian mother did not provide the lineage
considered desirable in those days."
- ^
One and Four » Blog Archive » A Nation of Immigrants -
My Great-Grandmother
- ^
Modern American Patriot: Eugene Lang

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This information was correct in December 2009. E. & O.E.

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