
Slovakia facts and history in brief
Slovakia a central European republic, formerly part of Czechoslovakia.
Occupies an area of 49,035 sq km and is bounded by Poland, Ukraine,
Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic and dominated by the Carpathian
mountains, with the the Gerlach Shield at a height of 2,655 m.
For more information on Slovakia Slovakia
facts and history in brief

Krásna Hórka Castle is the fabled
castle stands on a bare mountain top by Krásnahorské
Podhradie, near Roznava.
The castle is mentioned a number of times in Hungarian literature. The
original Gothic castle was built in the early 14th C.
The original small upper castle, was extended and fortified
during the Turkish threat.
The fortifications with bastions and terraces were built in the Renaissance
The Andrássy family owned the castle and built
the the Baroque chapel of St John Nepomuk front of the
castle gate and later rebuilt one of the bastions
into a Baroque classic style chapel of
Nativity of the Virgin Mary.
The castle well maintained and house the
Museum of Betliar, showing the
history of the castle through the ages.

Hui Chin and I were driving from Kosice
towards Roznava when we came upon
the fabled by
chance during our 2003 drive through Slovakia.
Unfortunately it was a Monday, when the castle is closed, so we had
wait till next day.
After a few inquiries we found a very suitable accommodation it was
very clean, very affordable and was run by a very friendly young couple,
who could speak Hungarian.
Guess what? I was going to recommend them here, but I've lost their
I'm sorry, my friends.

You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
Krásna Hórka Castle |
Krásna Hórka Castle |
Krásna Hórka Castle |
Krásna Hórka Castle |

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