
facts & history in brief
Utica, a city in New York State
in northeast U.S.
Utica is a busy transport and
industrial centre and river port
for the surrounding dairy-farming
area near the Adirondack Mountains.
The Iroquois Indian people lived at the
present city's site, before
European settlement.
The present settlement was established about
1773 on the site of old Fort Schuyler.
In 1798 the settlement was renamed Utica
after the ancient city of
Utica in northern Africa.
Utica experienced rapid development
after the opening of the Erie Canal in
1825 and became an important textile
centre from the middle of the 19th to
the middle of the 20th century.
Local manufactured products include
electronic and aerospace equipment,
engine parts, clothing, leather goods,
cutlery, and beer.
Utica has a number of colleges of
higher education.
Metropolitan population about
one hundred thousands.
Hui Chin and I only stopped
for about ten hours in Utica
to have a good nosey around,
so we can say, 'been there, done that'.
I spent some time exploring the old
railway coaches and engines on display.
We've both enjoyed our
stay, good on you Utica.
You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
Utica |
Utica |
Utica |
Utica |
Utica |
Utica |
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