O'ahu, Honolulu, Hawaii

U.S.A. facts & history in brief
Pearl Harbour
is the principal naval bases of the
United States, at the inlet
of the island of Oahu, Hawaii, just
outside of Honolulu.
It has been a United States repair and coaling
station for ships since 1887.
In 1898, the United States annexed the
Hawaiian Islands.
In 1911 the dredging a wide channel
across the sandbar and coral reef was
finished, ready to take the l largest
naval vessels.
Early December 7, 1941, Japanese
submarines and carrier-based
planes attacked the US Pacific fleet at
Pearl Harbour and the nearby military
Eight battleships and 10 other naval
vessels were sunk or were
damaged, almost 200 American aircraft
were destroyed, and approximately
3,000 naval and military personnel
were killed or wounded.
The attack marked
the entry of Japan into World War II on
the side of Germany and Italy, and
the entrance of the United States
on the Allied side.
A congressional committee investigation
placed some blame on General Short
and Admiral Kimmel, who, were declared
guilty only of errors of judgement,
and not of dereliction of duty.
The US Armed Service were unified later.
The USS Arizona National Memorial,
stands above the wreck
of the battleship, commemorating the
Americans who died in the attack.
You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
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Pearl Harbour |
Pearl Harbour |
Pearl Harbour |
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