
facts & history in brief
Kingman is in Northwestern Arizona,
nested in the scenic
Hualapai Valley between the
Cerbat and Hualapai mountain
Kingman is a historic town
not far from the Hoover Dam,
Lakes Mead, Havasu and Mohave,
various ghost towns, Las Vegas,
Laughlin, the Colorado River and
the Grand Canyon.
Kingman was founded in 1883 as
a railway town.
The founding 'father', a railway
engineer, Lewis Kingman
named the township after himself.
The town was incorporated in
1952 and became the county
seat for Mohave in 1887.
Today's Mohave County Airport
was an air force base
during World War II, now storing
many surplus warplanes.
Once Charles Linbergh, the
first pilot to fly across the
Atlantic solo, stopped here,
according to locals.
Clark Gable married Carole
Lombardin the local Methodist Church.
Andy Devine the Actor grew
up in Kingman, and the main
street bears his name.
Kingman's development was
greatly helped by the construction
of dams on the Colorado River.
Many motel, cafés and service
stations opened after the
commissioning of Route 66, one of the
most famous roads in America.
Kingman is located in the
middle of the longest remaining
preserved stretch of Route 66.
Today Kingman continues to be
an important route for many
on their way to Las Vegas,
Phoenix or Los Angeles, also for
many fishermen and water sport
lovers on their way to
Lakes Mead, Havasu and Mohave
and the Colorado River.
Reasonably low land prices and
favourable Arizona taxes,
the well developed Airport
Industrial Park, route I-40,
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Railway mainline, and the proximity
to the California market attract
many manufacturers and distributors,
such as Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company.
Kingman's strategic location to
Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Laughlin,
Phoenix and the Grand Canyon has made tourism,
and transportation
leading industries and the
regional trade, service and
distribution centre for
northwestern Arizona.
Kingman, today is a vibrant,
exciting and growing city,
with a strong work force and
growing retirement community
with a population of around
40,000, at about 3,336 feet above
sea level.
Kingman and its historical
downtown shops
are part of the Arizona Main
Street Program. Kingman's
climate is mild in the winter
and cooler in the summer,
with under 10 cm of rain annually.
Some of the attractions
in and around Kingman are the
Bonelli House, the Methodist
Church across the road from it,
the Hotels Brunswicka and
Beale, the Mohave Museum of
History and Art and
the Locomotive Park, home to
famed "Northern type"
coal burning steam engine #3759.
Rebuilt in 1927, and
converted to run on oil
fuel in 1941 and the colourful
caboose that was added
to the park in 1987, are
great spots to learn
more of the area's history.
Kingman has two 18 hole golf courses,
multi sport complex, four lighted
tennis courts, two lighted basketball
courts, two lighted racquetball
courts, a walking track, an Olympic
sized swimming pool, horseshoe pits
and two soccer fields, seven softball
fields, nine parks, one bowling
alley, aerobic and weight lifting
centres and two public swimming
More than 60 buildings in
Downtown Kingman are on the
National Registry of
Historic Buildings.
A real old time
underground gold mine.
The Powerhouse Route
66 Museum.
Kingman is in the "Heart
of Historic Route 66", in
the longest stretch of
Route 66 still in
existence between Chicago
and Los Angeles.
Route 66 is sometimes also
known as the Main
Street of America, The Wire
Road, The Will Rogers
Highway and the Mother Road
to mention only a few.
The Grand Canyon Caverns,
where you will see what
the earth is like 21 stories
below are just outside of Kingman.
Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam,
Lakes Mead, Havasu and
Mohave and the Colorado River,
the Waboyuma Peak Trail
and the Cherum Peak Trail,
White Cliffs Wagon Trail
Park are some of the
interesting places nearby.
Also within easy distances
are Chloride and Oatman,
interesting towns that will
take you back to the old
mining days in Arizona.
The Hualapai Mountain Park
and Cerbat Mountains, the
Colorado River areas offer
unique recreational and
historical, mountain scenery,
hiking, picnicking, camping,
and other outdoor activities.
We spent sometime in Kingman on our way back to
Las Vegas from the Grand Canyon.
There was some very funny activity at the railway
line, that I still don't know what it was to date.
There were about eight heavy diesel engines nose to
tail, all with engines running and some sparkling
activity, like welding, but without welders,
going on by the wheels and track.
When I wanted to explore the activity I was
told to 'get lost'.
So I got lost.
A few minutes later a bit further down the
road I was quite impressed by a couple of trains
going in opposite direction
about five minutes apart.
I started to film and count the first one, but I
lost my patience after 90.
I just estimating now, but probably another
30 or more passed me by.
Many houses, front yard, side
yards and back yards, verandas
are set up as museums or 'junk
yards' with a wide variety
of machinery, implements and
other items stored in, on, over
or under it, in Kingman and
many other places around there
we passed through.
I ran around town, while the others in the van
had their comfort brake taking some video and photos
of an interesting little town.
You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
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Kingman |
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Kingman |
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