
U.S.A. facts & history in brief
U.S.A. Map
Chloride is at the foothills of the Cerbat Mountains,
Mohave County of Western Arizona, U.S.
It is one of the oldest inhabited mining
communities in Arizona.
Chloride is about 1200 m above sea level
with a population of about 500.
In the 1840's, gold, silver, zinc, lead and
turquoise was discovered by prospectors in the
mountains around where Chloride is today.
The town's name came from the
silver chloride discovered nearby.
The Hualapai Indians protecting the area
around Chloride kept the prospectors the Army
troops came in and controlled
the tribe, in the late 1850's.
During Chloride's boom period, there were more
than 75 mines operating in the area and about
2,000 people living in the town and it was made
the county seat for Mohave County in 1871.
The still existing and being the oldest post
office in Arizona was opened the same year.
The Santa Fe Railway served
the town from 1898 to 1935.
The two richest mines in the
area the Golanda and
the Tennessee Silver Mine were
forced to close in 1944,
when they became uneconomic.
Chloride was destined to become a ghost town,
but Chloride refused to die.
Today's residents of retirees and business
owners want to preserve the past as part
of the old west, with shops, arts
and crafts studios and cafés.
The town is noted for the well preserved
buildings like the old jail, Post Office,
Jim Fritz Museum and the Chloride Volunteer
Fire Department complete with
its historic 1939 Ford Engine.
Chloride is a town with a colourful past that
is looking towards the future. Today Chloride's
offers clean air, friendly
neighbours and old west charm
There are performances from the "Immortal
Gunfighters of Chloride" at
'high noon' on the first
and third Saturdays of each
month in Cyanide Springs,
an old west town built by locals.
Following the gun battle,
a vaudeville show begins
in one of the town's buildings
named the Melodrama Theatre.
The township enjoys a warm desert climate
with a winter low temperature of 4.4C and
a summer high 40.5C degrees.
Chloride's locally referred
to as the "Gem of Cerbats"
with clean air, friendly
neighbours and old west charm.
Our tour bus to the Grand
Canyon stopped at
Chloride as one of the
attraction of the trip.
As we were pre warned by our driver there
was 'Bill' waiting for us
with his 'nugget' of gold.
We all went inside the
shop for the 'Restrooms'
and refreshments, I ran around
the place to snap some photos.
Cute place.
Remind me some of the
old 'cowboy' movies I have seen.
Really looks as seen better days.
Talking about 'Nostalgia Merchants',
looks as some people
make a 'good living' out of it.
You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
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