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Mexico, Facts in brief

Map of Mexico

Mexico is a North and Central American country bordered by the USA in the north, Guatemala and Belize in the south, and the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Pacific Ocean on the west.
With an area of 1,958,201 km2 (756,066 sq. mi.).
Mexico can be divided into the main areas of the Tehuantepec Isthmus, Yucatan Peninsula, the splinter-like peninsula of Lower California, the Sierra Nevada, the mountainous western Sierra Madre, an extension of the Rocky Mountains and the narrow coastal plain by the Pacific Ocean in the west.
Large southern areas are covered by forests, with abundant mahogany and sisal and sugar can be grow in the clearings.
On the mountain slopes and high plateaux cotton, coffee, tobacco and cacti grow. There are several large lakes, some saline in the north but fresh in the south, with streams running through deep canyons.
Most of the country is subjected to the humid trade winds from the east between May and August and tropical hurricanes from August to October.
Mexico's major foreign earnings come from crude oil, silver, and zinc, as well as uranium and copper, not all of which has been fully exploited.
The oil revenues have been used to develop an industrial base, but it still suffers large foreign debt and high unemployment.
Other exports include fluorspar, chemicals, non-ferrous ores, motor vehicles, and petroleum products.
Export crops include maize, fruit, vegetables, and coffee, much of the agriculture relying on irrigation.
In 1993, Mexico joined the USA and Canada in the North American Free trade Agreement.
Many North American companies have assembly plants set up in Mexico.
Mexico was the greater part of ancient Mesoamerica, in which a succession of civilisation existed that shared many cultural characteristics based on cities, ceremonial plazas, pyramids, platforms, temples, similar deities, calendrical systems, long-distance trading, and a ritual ball game.
Some of these cultures were the Olmec, Maya, Teotihuacan, Zapotec, Mixtec, Toltec, and Aztecs.
In 1521, the Spanish conquistador, Cortés finally conquered the Aztec empire and New Spain became the first Spanish-American viceroyalty, including all of ancient Mesoamerica, northern Mexico, the Caribbean, and most of the south-western USA.
The Spanish colonial rule lasted for the next 300 years.
In the early 19th century, an independence movement developed, and led by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla and Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon, both of whom were priests, and were captured and shot by the Spanish.
In 1821 Augustin de Iturbide declared an independent Mexican empire, including Guatemala.
In 1824, the first Mexican constitution was proclaimed based on the US constitution with Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna as President.
In 1836 Texas declared its own independence.
Mexico lost huge territories after the Mexican-American War from 1846 to 1848. Later lost Arizona by the Gadsden Purchase in 1853.
In 1864 the French troops of Napoleon III installed the Habsburg prince Maximilian as emperor of Mexico.
In 1867, French troops were withdrawn, Maximilian was defeated, captured, and shot.
From 1876 the Porfirio Diaz's dictatorship followed until the 1910 Mexican Revolution that lasted until 1940.
In 1940 President Avilo Camacho begun the process of national reconciliation begun and have continued to followed by moderate democratic governments, seeking to modernise the economy, by oil revenues.
Since the 1988 elections, President Carlos Salinas de Gortari played a central role in the pacification programme for Central America.
He ratified the North American Free trade Agreement with Canada and the USA in 1993.
In 1995 there was an armed rebellion in the Chiapas state, by the Zapatista National Liberation Army, an Indian guerrilla group, demanding social and economic reforms.
A peace agreement was reached after negotiations.
Mexico's population is more than 92 million, mainly Roman Catholic (Over 92%), with 55% Mestizo, 30% Indian and 15% European.

The official language is Spanish.

The currency is the peso with 100 centavos.

Mexico City is the Capital and the world's largest urban centre, with severe problems of pollution, infrastructure, and overcrowding.

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