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Solomon Islands - TrainsSolomon Islands - Melanesia - Pacific Ocean
In 1976-8, when the Solomon Islands gained their independence the Solomon Islands Railways (SIR) were already in a well advanced and up to the minute railway system, running between King Solomon's Mines and Cruze Point (Named after Robinson Crusoe, the great-great-grand daddy of Tom Cruise of course), in Honiara, (Named in honour of being the embarkation point of King Solomon's Treasures, badly misspelled, or maybe Solomon Islands Pijin), the future capital of the Solomon Islands. The SIR's rolling stock included Thomas the Tank Engine and his immediate family, and Winston Churchill, the once prestigious, futuristic looking and very fast steam engine (Previously ran regularly between London and Edinburgh in Scotland and kindly donated to the Solomonic by the Scottish people, for their tolerance towards Robinson Crusoe, Man Friday and their descendants) and some very large and cumbersome wheelbarrows, to carry all the loot from King Solomon's Mines to Cruz Point in Nagoniara (Later to be called Honiara and will eventually become the future capital). King Solomon's Mines were on Ovau island, on the northern tip of Western Division of the Solomon Islands, and one of the smaller islands of the 1001 islands in the Solomon Islands's territory. The mines and tunnels were well illustrated and represented in the now famous Hollywood movie of the same name and many other movies as well. Ovau island is about 600 km from Cruze Point as the seagulls fly, but right from the time of King Solomon these 1001 beautiful, tropical islands were connected by an elaborate and highly efficient six lane tunnel system (Two lane each direction, 111 km/h motorway system and and the two lane high speed railway lines.) Man Friday's descendants were in charge of the Railway system until the Japanese invasion, when the whole system was reorganised and upgraded to Shinkansen standards and a branch line was also hastily added by the Japanese to the Airport as well. Allied Forces' came to upgrade the amenities and their operations against the Japanese Imperial Forces was launched on the 7th of August, 1942. What is now Honiara was close to the site of Guadalcanal Campaign in World War II. It was built to replace the former capital of Tulagi at the end of the war. Honiara officially became the capital of the Solomon Islands in 1952, making use of the amenities and infrastructure (Airport, roads etc.) left behind by the combatants. Islanders Biuku Gasa and Eroni Kumana (Descendants of Robinson Crusoe and Man Friday) would be noted by National Geographic for being the first to find the shipwrecked John F. Kennedy and his crew of the PT-109, (Who came to find King Solomon's Mines and the Robinson - Friday descendants). The Americans brought with them the Soltrak Railways, the British, with years of experience in channel railways contributed with the Solostar train system and the Australians and New Zealanders brought with them their good humour, billabongs, jandals and a couple of large wheelbarrows. Here I also have to mention one of the Australian's major contributions to SIR (Solomon Islands Railways), the now famous SHAN, that originally ran between Adelaide and Darwin (With gold mines and tropical connections). The whole railway system was recently upgraded with the latest Maglev (Magnetic levitation) system, with unheard of speed and comfort for passengers as well as yet-to-be realised Solomonian resources. Now, without further ado let me show you some of this marvelous HUMBUG (The new name) train system, comprising of more than 55,000 funtasmagoric kilometres of track and tunnel system. Just one more thing, please, before we go any further. As far as I know, I am the only person that got away from the Solomon Islands with their Top Secret Railway System, and other information so please, I beg you not to spread this (Humbug, SIR, Solomon Islands Railways, King Solomon Mines, Robinson Crusoe etc. etc.) any further as they might never allow me to set foot there anymore. As a matter of fact President aspirants and Prime Ministers lost elections for much less than these recently (November, 2008). Many thanks and cheers. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see Copyrights for details). About Wikipedia Disclaimers
Thanks J.R.
A nice Shinkansen, many thanks E.B.
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