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Middlegate or Cascade

Norfolk Island - Pacific Ocean

Norfolk Island History and Facts in Brief

Burnt Pine
Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


According to some, a secondary settlement named Cascade exists on the island.
This settlement, if the general definition is accepted, is located at the Cascade Road crossroads and is the site of Norfolk Island Central School.
The existence of a separate settlement is questionable, however, as very little infrastructure exists at this site and it is not far removed from the outskirts of Burnt Pine.

For more information about Burnt Pine see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page was retrieved and condensed from (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burnt_Pine) see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, September 2008.
All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see Copyrights for details).
About Wikipedia

This information was correct in September 2008. E. & O.E.

Norfolk Island Map
I think this is an official one and
clearly shows Middlegate.
Where Cascade district is shown there are
very few houses and a hotel or two only.


While there's some doubt of the township of Cascade's existence, Hui Chin and I visited Norfolk Island in August 2008 and all the maps and information issued by the local tourist board, who is in charge of these matters after all, shows the township of Middlegate where Cascade supposed to be.

We were there and could confirm that a township as such of a sort, does exist, it might not rival Burnt Pine and it might not be a commercial or business centre, but it has a school (the only school on the island), at least two churches (the Catholic and the Uniting Churches), Play centre, museums, shops, hotels, businesses (A large builders yard) and also some residences.

Yes, although I can not find any reference to it's existence Middlegate is there and thriving more than I can say about Cascade.

Talking about Cascade there is a district on the northern part of the island that is called Cascade, it has an important jetty and a real cascade(waterfall), a reserve (Cascade Reserve) and the island has two Cascade roads, a Cascade Road and a New Cascade Road.
The Cascade Road runs between Middlegate and the Cascade (District , Reserve etc).
The New Cascade Road runs between Burnt Pine and the Cascade (District , Reserve etc).
So there you have it, that is the latest on 'to be Cascade or not to be' or 'to be Middlegate or not to be'.


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