North Island
New Zealand facts & history in brief
New Zealand Map
is a thermal valley, 25 km
south from Rotorua and a defacto
replacement for the world unique
and beautiful 'Pink and White Terraces',
that were locally called the
'eight wonder of the world'.
One night in June 1886 the extinct
volcanoes Tarawera and Ruawhai burst
into action and dramatically altered
the local scenery by burying some
Maori villages and the Terraces.
Waimangu is very beautiful and interesting.
The Emerald Pool, the Waimangu Cauldron,
the Cathedral Rocks and the Echo Crater
are very beautiful and colourful because
of the colour of the rocks and
chemicals in the thermal activity.
You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
Waimangu |
Waimangu |
Waimangu |
Waimangu |
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