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Taranaki/Mt Egmont
(The Maori name, Taranaki, stands for 'barren')
is a 2518 metres high mountain in the
Taranaki region.
It's beautiful conical shape
dominates the Taranaki landscape.
One of the Maori legends tells how
Egmont was cast out from the Ruapehu,
Tongariro and Ngauruhoe mountains in
central North Island after a fight
for the beautiful Mount Pihanga.
The 33,543 ha. Egmont National
Park, established in 1900, is
shaped like a nine kilometres of
large circle extending to
an altitude of 360 m.
The first Europeans to reach the
summit were Ernst Dieffenbach, a
German naturalist and James
Heberley, a whaler.
The mountain was named by James
Cook in 1770, after the second
Earl of Egmont, a former First
Lord of the Admiralty.
Recently the Maori name,
Taranaki was reinstated as an option.
There are snowfields and
camping facilities and cabins
for climbers and one of the
main attractions is the Dawson
Falls, 900 metres up the
southeastern side of the mountain.
You can click on these photo for an enlargement.
Taranaki-Mt Egmont |
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