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Interesting vehicles in New Zealand

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Interesting vehicles

that I've seen, that were different or appealed to my sense of humour and the maker's or owner's similar sense of humour.
After all someone had to visualise it, make it, because he/she wanted something different and individual.
Obviously this is not and I don't even pretend to be an authoritative collection of bikes, cars, house trucks or other vehicles of interesting or individual design, since it wasn't my intention and I didn't have my camera always handy or ready.
Regardless, enjoy it.

The Richard Pearse's "Flying Machine" as displayed in down-country N.Z.

Here in New Zealand we strongly believe Richard Pearse, a farmer from Canterbury and a mechanical genius, was the first to build and fly a homemade, heavier-than-air machine. For some time it was believed that his first flight was in March 1904, about three months after the Wright brothers had flown on 17 December 1903, at Kittyhawk. However, new research however put Pearse's first flight on the 31st of March 1902, nearly two years before the Wright Brothers. I will not argue either way, just thought I will mention him here on these pages as another extraordinary New Zealander with vision and talent.
(Not unlike me, ha-ha.)

You can click on these photos for an enlargement.

Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles
Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles
Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles
Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles
Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles
Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles
Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles
Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles
Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles
Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles Interesting Vehicles

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