South Island - New Zealand
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Franz Josef Glacier
was named after the Austro-Hungarian
Emperor Franz Joseph, by pioneering
geologist Julius von Haast.
The glacier originating near
the top of Mt Cook and sometimes
reaches 18 km, although it only riches
about 12 km at present.
A 1946 New Zealand Peace Stamp, commemorating
the end of World War II, featured
Franz Josef Glacier from the altar window
of St James Anglican Church, as it was in
the early 1930s.
The glacier was observed in 1642
by Abel Tasman and by James Cook in 1770.
A township bearing the same name on the
east bank of the Waiho River, about
150 km southwest of Hokitika and
part of the Westland
National Park, has hotels
and many other tourist facilities.
You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
Franz Josef Glacier |
Franz Josef Glacier |
Franz Josef Glacier |
Franz Josef Glacier |
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