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Uluru (Ayers Rock) 1987 photos

Northern Territories, Australia

Australia facts & history in brief

Uluru (Ayers Rock) is a giant outcrop of rock (Monolith) in the Northern Territory of Australia.
It rises 335 metres abruptly from the sand dune plains, about 450 kilometres southwest of Alice Springs.
It is 867 metres above sea level.
The rock is more than 2.4 kilometres long and 1.6 kilometres wide, and measures 8 kilometres around its base.
Formed by erosion.
It glows red during sunrise and sunset.
Ayers Rock mainly made of sandstone containing feldspar minerals of the Cambrian age.
Similar rock lies under the sand plain around Ayers Rock.
The Ayers Rock probably dates back to the Cretaceous period.
The Aboriginal name for Ayers Rock is Uluru, meaning 'great pebble'.
The Aborigines decorated caves in the rock with paintings.
Ernest Files, an explorer sighted the rock in 1872.
William Gassed, another explorer, visited it in 1878 and named it in honour of Sir Henry Ayers, the premier of South Australia.
Ayers Rock and the land around it was returned to the former Aboriginal owners, the Mutual people, in 1985.
The Mutual people turned over the management of Uluru National Park to the Australian Federal Government on a 99-year lease.


A rather hard climb to the top, but worth it.

Been there, done that.

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Uluru/Ayers Rock Uluru/Ayers Rock Uluru/Ayers Rock Uluru/Ayers Rock

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