Western Australia

Australia facts &
history in brief
Perth is the Capital and
largest city of Western
Australia and one of Australia's
largest and most beautiful cities, on
the estuary of the River Swan.
The city is the leading
commercial and transportation
centre of west coast of
Australia, with a
population of nearly 2 million.
Perth was founded in 1829 and
developed rapidly after the discovery
of gold and the opening of the
Fremantle Harbour in 1897.
The port exports refined oil, wheat, and
Most of Western Australians live
in Perth which has a Mediterranean
like climate; wet, mild winters and hot,
dry summers.
Dutch navigator William de Vlamingh
was the first European to explore
the Swan River in January 1697.
James Stirling, the
British naval officer, visited
the area in 1827.
In June 1829, Stirling returned as
lieutenant governor,
with a group of settlers, to
establish a new colony.
Perth developed
quiet rapidly due to
good town planning.
Most of the financial, business
and local government premises are in
the Downtown area.
areas are in the outer
tree lined suburbs.
In the 1960s Perth experienced unexpected
growth due to the
state's mineral boom.
Perth does not have some of
the problems faced by
other Australian cities.
Traffic congestion
is the main problem, which was solved to
some extent by the construction
of the Mitchell freeway.
Although the Perth's skyline is
now dominated by multi-storied buildings,
the city has retained a number of
old buildings of historical and
architectural interest.
One of the earliest
are the Court House
in the Supreme Court
Gardens, and the Round
House, originally built as
a jail, at Fremantle, it
is a simple, semi Georgian
style, built in the
1830's by the first Australian
civil engineer, H. W. Reveley.
The Old Mill at Mill Point
was built in 1835.
From the 1850s onward a
number of dignified public
buildings were built in
the Colonial Gothic style, including the
Government House, the Town Hall,
the Cloisters (used to be a school),
the Barracks (partly demolished), St.
George's Cathedral, and
St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral.
They were designed by Augustus
Pugin. London Court
shopping mall resembles
a street in Tudor England.
Popular entertainments,
including sporting fixtures,
are held in the Entertainment
Centre, which has a
seating capacity of 8,000.
The Maritime Museum and Arts
Centre at Fremantle
located in the restored
Old Woman's Home, built in
the 1850's, and houses
relics from Dutch vessels
wrecked off the west
coast of Australia in the 1600's.
One of the largest oil
refineries in Australia
opened here in 1954,
followed by a steel-rolling
mill and a series of large
metal, fuel, and chemical plants.
Many industries located within the
boundaries of Perth City Council include a
cement works, food and clothing
factories, printing
and publishing companies,
and manufacturers of goods
ranging from cranes
and tractors to small
components for electrical equipment.
Western Australia's fishing industry,
particularly of crayfish, is based
at Fremantle, the port of Perth.
In 1829, Lieutenant
Governor James Stirling
and 69 settlers arrived
in the ship Parmelia
to establish a settlement.
The new colony was
formally declared on August
12, 1829, on the site of the
present Town Hall.
Assignments of free land
attracted many settlers.
Problems with the land (Sandy,unsuitable for
farming), and chronic labour shortages
prompted the colonists to request the British
government to declare Perth
a penal settlement.
Convicts, a source of
free labour, began arriving in
1850, at a time, when the other Australian
colonies were phasing out transportation.
The Industrial Revolution in England sparked
a demand for Australian wool.
The prosperity that followed resulted in
the construction of many fine public
Queen Victoria proclaimed
Perth a city in 1856.
The discovery
of gold at Coolgardie in 1892 and at Kalgoorlie
in 1893, Perth expanded
Many new industries sprang up.
Riverland was reclaimed and formed
the Esplanade. Suburbs spread out to t
he north and east. In the 1910's,
gas, electricity, sewerage
system, and a water supply
services were established.
From 1918 to the 1930s, the city flourished,
reflecting the prosperity
of Western Australia.
After World War II, Perth
was crowded and appeared run-down.
Gradually, life returned to normal.
A vigorous immigration policy increased
the labour force and helped bring
prosperity in the post-war years.
During the 1950's and 1960's, many new
factories were built.
Both residential and industrial
suburbs grew rapidly.
In the 1970's, the mineral boom in Western
Australia brought further expansion
to Perth.
In 1983, Australia II, owned by
W eastern Australian entrepreneur
Alan Bond, won the America's Cup
yacht race.
Fremantle was the site of
the 1987 race, which
attracted yachting enthusiasts
and television crews
from all over the world.
I've thoroughly enjoyed
my visit and stay in Perth.
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