Victoria, Australia

Australia facts & history in brief
Melbourne is
the capital of Victoria, on the
Bass Strait, in Port Philip Bay,
opposite Tasmania, and it is a major
Founded in 1835 and named after
the British Prime Minister William
Melbourne became the state capital
in 1851 and
was capital of Australia from 1901
until 1927.
The city is the financial, commercial,
and industrial centre, and the second-largest
city in Australia.
The Melbourne Cup is a world renown
annual event.
Melbourne has many attractions for
the tourist and is a very interesting
place, including the universities,
the Botanical Gardens and market
Population around 3 million.
I very much
enjoyed my stay in Melbourne.
For me one of the major attractions
were the city's extensive tram system.
You knew that, didn't you?
You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Melbourne |
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