Tasmania, Australia

Australia facts &
history in brief
Hobart is the capital and chief
port of Tasmania, Australia,
at the mouth of the Derwent River.
Population around 200.000.
It was founded as a penal colony in 1804, and
named after Lord Hobart,
Secretary of State for the Colonies.
Hobart became Tasmania's capital in 1812.
From a whaling station it developed
into a major yachting,
(Annual Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race),
fishing, and trading port; exporting fruit,
textiles, and processed food.
Has a number of
interesting attractions.
The relaxed atmosphere of Hobart
was a welcome change after the hurly-burly
of the other major Australian cities.
Has a lot of resemblance to New Zealand.
I've enjoyed my stay.
You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
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