Northern Territory, Australia

Australia facts &
history in brief
Darwin is the Capital and
largest city of , Australia.
On the Beagle Gulf.
Population around 100.000.
Used to be known as Palmerston or Port Darwin, but
was renamed to Darwin in 1911.
The Northern Territory is rich in mineral deposits.
In 1879, Darwin was devastated by a hurricane and
again almost completely destroyed
by Cyclone Tracy in 1974.
I found Darwin a 'ted' too hot for my liking.
Spent every night at a pub,
listening to Talent Quests and enjoying
the benefit of Air-conditioning.
In 1957, Darwin was our first stopover
in the Southern Hemisphere.
To my surprise the Airport and the Lounge
didn't change much at all in the intervening years.
The town, it's surrounds and the people are
very friendly and interesting.
You can click on these photos for an enlargement.
Darwin |
Darwin |
Darwin |
Darwin |
Darwin |
Darwin |
Darwin |
Darwin |
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