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Brisbane 1987 photos

Queensland, Australia

Australia facts & history in brief

Brisbane is the capital, largest city and an important port of Queensland on the Brisbane River, on the east coast of Australia.
Population over 1 million.
Founded in 1824 as a penal colony.
Named after the Scottish soldier and patron of astronomy, Sir Thomas Brisbane, governor of New South Wales from 1821 to 1825.
In 1909 Brisbane's university was founded.
Brisbane has some major industries, including oil-refining, shipbuilding, textile, and agricultural machinery manufacture.

Interesting place, though rather hot.

I'd like the story about the unfinished Catholic Cathedral.

It goes something like that, as I recall; Most of the funds were gathered, the foundations were laid and the building had started.
The Third Reich or Hitler had some 'momentary' cash flow problem and the local Bishop felt like giving a helping hand and transferred 1 million Australian Pounds to the 'urgent need" of the Third Reich. - (As told by the tour guide.)

The foundations looked like some Middle Age ruins in 1987.

One 'helluwa' good story though.

There seemed to be a spark of life at the rear.

It appeared as though the Crypt/Chapel was "finished" and used or "lived in" at some stage.

You can click on these photos for an enlargement.

Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane
Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane

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