Zagreb (pronounced ZAH-greb) is the capital city
of Croatia now, was the second largest city in the Socialist
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) between 1963 and
1992. For a more information about Zagreb see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This page was retrieved and condensed from ( December 2005 All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see Copyrights for details). About Wikipedia Disclaimers This information was correct in December 2005. E. & O.E. During 1978, my daughter, Sarolta and I spent some time travelling around the Yugoslavia, visiting a few cities and other attractions. We spent a few days exploring Yugoslavia and Belgrad especially. From Belgrade we were heading to Zagreb, unaware, that we were being watched all the time, until we left Zagreb and I was taking a photo from the train window of some rural sight, when the 'conductor' practically jumped on me saying something, that we've been watched for a couple of days and I must surrender either the my camera or film and accompany him at the next station. Sarolta and i had to get off the train and we waited for about half hour, while the police decided, that they 'can't charge' (I over heard that - they were talking very aloud over a glass window) me with anything and let us go, without my film. There was nothing interesting for them on the film, I was a tourist snapping buildings and the like, like we all do. Communism and Cold War was at its height at the time, as we all know. 1978, yeah, they were the 'good old days'. Hah. Hah! Huh?
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