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Northern Europe

Sweden facts and history in brief

The Kingdom of Sweden (Konungariket Sverige in Swedish) is a Nordic country in Scandinavia, in Northern Europe.
It is bordered by Norway on the west and Finland in the northeast; the rest of it borders waters, as the Baltic Sea and Kattegat.
Due to the relatively small number of inhabitants, Sweden's landscape is known for its peace and the large forests and mountainous wilderness.

Konungariket Sverige

Royal motto: For Sverige i tiden (For Sweden - With the times)
Official language; None (Swedish de facto national language)
Capital; Stockholm
King; Carl XVI Gustav
Prime Minister; Goran Persson
Area; 449,964 kmē
Population; 8,875,053
Unification: 900-1200
Currency; Swedish krona
Time zone; UTC +1
National anthem; Du gamla, Du fria
Internet TLD; .SE
Phone Calling Code; 46

Conclusive archaeological evidence exists that the area now comprising Sweden was settled during the Stone Age, as the inland ice of the last ice age receded.

For more information click here. Sweden facts and history in brief

Hui Chin and I visited Sweden in 2003, when we took time out and visited a few countries in Europe including the Scandinavian countries with our Eurail Pass.

We didn't have too much time to spend in Falkenberg.

We had to wait for about 3 hours and change trains.

Nipped out to town, had a quick look, had some refreshments and away we went.

You can click on these photos for an enlargement

Falkenberg Falkenberg Falkenberg Falkenberg

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