AlgecirasEurope The Kingdom of Spain is a country located
in the southwest of Europe.
Sarolta, my daughter visited Spain during our European tour in 1978. With our Eurail Pass we went around Spain visiting many cities of interest. The ferry trip to Ceuta was part of the Eurail Pass at the time, now days you only get a discount on it. We had a wonderful time and a memorable experience.
In 2003 Hui Chin and I travelled to Madrid, Spain from Lisbon, Portugal, by the famous Talgo express with our Eurail Pass. After some sightseeing we went down to Algericas, from where we sailed across to Ceuta in Africa, a Spanish territory. After exploring Algericas and Ceuta, we took a train up to Barcelona. Travelling to and from Algericas, we were booked in a sleeping car as all these trains travel at night, which is a good thing, living you the daylight hours to do your thing, like exploring sightseeing, whatever. I've been here before and in Ceuta as well, but I didn't recognise anything. Especially in Ceuta I had remembered an entirely different picture. Did they rebuilt the whole place, while I wasn't watching. Makes you wonder? During 2004, Hui Chin and I went to visit Morocco and Mali, but on the way we spent another few days to visit Portugal, Spain and Gibraltar.
For more information click here. Spain facts and history in brief
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