
Germany, facts and history in brief
Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Bremen is a city in northern Germany
(official name: Freie Hansestadt Bremen,
referring to its membership in the medieval
Hanseatic League) situated along the river Weser.
Bremen is one of two towns belonging to
the Bundesland of Bremen, the other
being Bremerhaven.
Population: 547,000.
In the 8th century the troops of Charlemagne
advanced to the Weser in order to christianise
the tribes settling here. Bremen, which
may have been an older settlement,
became a bishopric; a deed claiming
the town's foundation in 788 has now
been recognised as a forgery, so the
exact date is unknown.
In the following centuries the bishops
of Bremen were the driving force behind
the Christianisation of Scandinavia.
In the 12th century the power of the
archbishops was challenged
by Henry the Lion.
The duke was successful and became
the factual ruler of the town.
These events led to a civil government
and a loss of clerical power.
Bremen became a merchants' town, and
its ships dominated the southern
portions of the North Sea.
Town hall (Rathaus, 1410); in front of the
town hall there are the statues of Roland
(1404) and of the Town Musicians (1953).
Cathedral St. Petri (13th century),
in Market Square, with
sculptures of Moses and David, Peter
and Paul, and Charlemagne.
Liebfrauenkirche, oldest church of the town (11th century).
Martinikirche (St. Martin), church on the Weser bank (1229).
Schütting (1538), house of the merchants' guild.
Schnoor, a medieval quarter with narrow
streets and nostalgic pubs.
Schlachte, the medieval harbour of Bremen
(the modern port is some kilometres downstream).
The main square (Market Square).
A swineherd and pigs in a Bremen shopping street.
External links

For a more information about
Bremen see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page was retrieved and condensed from
see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, September 2003
All text is available under the terms of the
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Copyrights for details).
About Wikipedia

This information was correct in September 2003. E. & O.E.

We did like Bremen and enjoyed our stay, but can't
say anything exciting sticks out in my mind
though, we went around the usual conducted tour,
been there, seen that, done that.

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