Berchtesgaden, or Eagle's Nest, or Obersalzburg photosGermany
Germany, facts and history in brief Berchtesgaden is a city in Bavaria, close to the border with Austria, 30 km south of Salzburg and 180 km south-east of Munich. The infamous part of Berchtesgaden is the Kehlsteinhaus, (sometimes called the "The Eagle's Nest"), and the surrounding settlement, most of it demolished after WWII, on top of the Kehlstein mountain (1835 m), that was Hitler and other top Nazis' residence/holiday resort, offering remarkable views. Those days there was a large military and Gestapo presence too. It is situated in the Berchtesgaden National Park. Nearby is the second highest peak in Germany, Mount Watzmann (2713 m) and a lake called the Königssee (5.2 kmē). The area was historically noted for its salt mines, close by is the Obersalzberg (literally upper salt mountain). The site was appropriated by the Nazis for senior leaders to enjoy in the 1930s, most of those building were damaged and demolished later. A number of other relics of the Nazi era are in the area, the Kehlsteinhaus was built as a present for Hitler's 50th birthday and was fortunately saved from being demolished after the war, the Gestapo HQ at Hotel Zum Turken, the remains of houses belonging to Goering, Speer and Bormann, a massive railway station, the Hotel Platterhof (renamed the General Walker Hotel, 1953 and demolished, 1999) and a number of bunkers and similar fortifications. After WWII the Nazi buildings were taken over by the US military and during the Cold War the area was a Armed Forces Recreation Centre. For a more information about Berchtesgaden see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This page was retrieved and condensed from ( see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, September 2000. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see Copyrights for details). About Wikipedia Disclaimers This information was correct in September 2000. E. & O.E.
Our Conducted Tour included Berchtesgaden, the township, the Eagle's Nest and the Souvenir Shop, that is near the place where the Gestapo and Army Barracks used to be. A memorable experience, beautiful views.
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