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Corsica ferry


Corsica facts and history in brief

Balzac described Corsica as 'a French island basking in the Italian sun'.

Hui Chin and I took a fast ferry from Nice to Ajaccio in the southwest part of Corsica.

After exploring Ajaccio by the sightseeing "Petit Train" and on foot, we taken the locally derided train to Bastia, in the northern part of the island, well known for its fortification and the old part of the city.
The train ride, - diagonally across the island - was exciting, fabulous, we thoroughly enjoyed it.
Surprisingly, the train ride was quite fast and very interesting.
From Bastia we took a bus to Porto-Vecchio, near the southern tip of the island.
Spent the night and part of next day exploring the town, before we taken another bus to Bonifacio, on the southern tip of Corsica, where we spent a day exploring the town, the port and the large fortress on foot and by the local "Petit Train" again, before we took another fast ferry to Santa Teresa in northern Sardinia, which is under Italian administration.
Both islands' main income comes from tourist like us, but apart from the main centres, the islands are mainly unspoilt heaven for the tourist mobile enough to venture outside of the bigger towns.

Enjoyed ourselves.

Some of my photos of Corsica ferry (Click to enlarge)

Corsica ferry Corsica ferry Corsica ferry Corsica ferry

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